Welcome to The Priory Church at Bolton Abbey

Bolton Priory is an Anglican Church, within the Diocese of Leeds,  where there has been continuous worship since 1154. When the Priory was dissolved in 1539, permission was granted for the parish to continue worshipping in the nave which is now the Priory Church. The Reformation is a daily backdrop to our lives and, fittingly, worship is centred around the Book of Common Prayer 1662 which, in the Spirit of Pentecost, is used and understood across the worldwide Anglican communion. Bolton Priory is committed, not only to reflecting the glory and majesty of God in its worship but proclaiming the Gospel particularly by seeking social justice and stewardship of God’s creation.


Our Regular Services


8am  Holy Communion
9.15am Liquid Worship (all ages) 
(1st Sunday of the month only)
10.30am  Sung Eucharist
Please join us for coffee in the Boyle Room
immediately after the 10.30am service 


10am  Midweek Communion

Watch our latest livestreamed service:

Useful links and Information

Why not join the
Friends of Bolton Priory?

Support the Priory whilst enjoying social events throughout the year and making new friends

How To Find Us

The Priory Church is located in the heart of the Bolton Abbey Estate.
Parishioners attending services may park at the village car park.

Our postal address is:

Bolton Priory Parish Office
Bolton Abbey
BD23 6AL

Bolton Priory is a Gold Award Eco CHurch. We work hard to protect and respect God's creation. Initiatives include:

  • highly efficient under-pew heating that heats the person rather than the space

  • energy efficient lighting

  • recycling of paper and candles

  • reduction in plastic use

  • changing over to reusables wherever possible

  • switching to eco-suppliers

  • digitising information to minimise paper usage

  • nesting boxes and bug hotels in the churchyard

See monthly tips on how you can be greener at arocha.org.uk